47 research outputs found

    Winning the Recruiting Challenge: Hiring Diverse and Talented IS Faculty Members

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    Serving on an IS recruiting committee can be a challenge to most faculty members. In addition to standard committee responsibilities, the IS search committee is strategically important to the department’s mission. Hiring a diverse faculty group provides even more challenges to an already difficult task. Particularly in IS, where qualified women and minority applicants may be difficult to find, the task of the search committee is challenging. This paper provides an overview of the IS search committee process, focusing on strategies for recruiting diverse and talented faculty members. Specific strategies include providing relevant training for the committee members, developing appropriate advertising strategies for the position, including diverse faculty in the composition of the committee, removal of any gender or minority identifiable material before review, and courting the candidate to accept the position. These strategies should lead to an increase in recruiting diverse and qualified IS faculty

    An IS Student’s Worst Nightmare: Programming Courses

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    IS students continue to struggle to complete the programming courses often required in their course of study. In this research-in-progress, we describe how IS educators can learn about the predictors of success in programming courses and translate that knowledge into better advising for their IS students. We plan to administer an open-ended survey to IS educators, asking them what factors they believe predict success in programming principles courses. Based on their responses, we will determine if IS educator perceptions of variables predicting success in programming courses match the realities discussed in previous research. Then we plan to develop a set of guidelines so that IS educators can translate that knowledge into better advising for IS students

    Compliance of Open Source EHR Applications with HIPAA and ONC Security and Privacy Requirements

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    Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are digital versions of paper-based patient\u27s health information. EHR applications are increasingly being adopted in many countries. They have resulted in improved quality in healthcare, convenient access to histories of patient medication and clinic visits, easier follow up of patient treatment plans, and precise medical decision-making process. EHR applications are guided by measures of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability. However, there have been reported breaches of Protected Health Identifier (PHI) data stored by EHR applications. In many reported breaches, improper use of EHRs has resulted in disclosure of patient’s PHI data. Inefficient application design threatens the integrity of EHRs, which leads to fraud and endangering patient\u27s health. The goal of this paper is to identify HIPAA technical requirements, evaluate an open source EHR application (OpenEMR) for security vulnerabilities using an open-source scanner tool (RIPS), and map identified vulnerabilities to HIPAA technical requirements

    New Inheritance Models That Facilitate Source Code Reuse in Object-oriented Programming

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    Code reusability is a primary objective in the development of software systems. The object-oriented programming methodology is one of the areas that facilitate the development of software systems by allowing and promoting code reuse and modular designs. Object-oriented programming languages (OOPLs) provide different facilities to attain efficient reuse and reliable extension of existing software components. Inheritance is an important language feature that is conducive to reusability and extensibility. Various OOPLs provide different inheritance models based on different interpretations of the inheritance notion. Therefore, OOPLs have different characteristics derived from their respective inheritance models. This dissertation is concerned with solutions for three major problems that limit the utilization of inheritance for code reusability. The range of object -oriented applications and thus the usage of object-oriented programming in general is also discussed. The three major problems are: 1) the relationship between inheritance and other related issues such as encapsulation, access techniques, visibility of inheritance, and subtyping; 2) the hierarchical structure imposed by inheritance among classes; and 3) the accessibility of previous versions of the modified methods defmed in classes located at higher levels of the inheritance structure than the parent classes. 1be proposed solutions for these problems are presented as new inheritance models that facilitate code reuse and relax the restrictions imposed on inheritance models by languages. A survey and taxonomy of the conventional inheritance models, and a comparison and analysis of some of the common OOPLs are also presented in the dissertation.Computer Scienc

    Subjectification in the Iraqi Dramatic Text

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    تنزع السلطة في كل زمان ومكان، إلى الهيمنة والتسلط عبر إخضاع الآخر بطرق شتى، تعمل على تكبيله وتحجيمه، ليسهل عليها قيادته والسيطرة عليه، والتذويت أحد أهم الطرق أو الأدوات التي تلجأ إليها السلطة لتحقيق ذلك، وقد عكست النصوص المسرحية- كونها إحدى أبرز مجالات عرض الصراعات بين القوى المختلفة والأطراف المقابلة لها- تنويعات عديدة لهذا النزوع السلطوي سواء بين الثقافات الكبرى المختلفة أو في ممارسات أجهزة ومؤسسات الدولة وحتى على مستوى العائلة الواحدة.  ويُعنى هذا البحث بدراسة التذويت في النصِّ المسرحي العراقيِّ، إذ يعد التذويت أحد المفاهيم الأساسية في الدراسات ما بعد الكولونيالية. ومن أجلِ ذلكَ قَسَّمَ الباحثُ بحثَه على أربعةِ فصولٍ، وهي، الفصلُ الأولُ: الإطارُ المنهجيُّ للبحثِ، ويتضمنُ: مشكلةَ البحثِ التي تمركزت حول التساؤل الآتي (ما تمظهرات التذويت في النصِّ المسرحيِّ العراقيِّ؟). ثم أهميةُ البحثِ والحاجة إليه كونه يفيد الدارسين والعاملين في مجال المسرح. ثم هدف البحثِ (تعرف التذويت في النص المسرحي العراقي). ثم الحدود الزمانية من (2005-2020)، والمكانيةُ (العراق)، والموضوعيةُ (دراسة التذويت في النص المسرحي العراقي). وأخيراً تحديدُ المصطلحاتِ (التذويت) ثم التعريفاتُ الإجرائية. واحتوى الفصلُ الثانِي: على الإطارِ النظري للبحث، وتضمّنَ ثلاثةَ مباحث، المبحثُ الأول: التذويت المفهوم المرجعيات. والمبحثُ الثاني: التذويت مقاربة للنظريات المعرفية والاجتماعية. وتناول المبحثُ الثالث تذويت النصِّ المسرحيِّ العالميِّ غربياً وعربياً وعراقياً. وخصَّصَ الباحثُ الفصلَ الثالثَ لإجراءاتِ البحثِ، وشملت مجتمعَ البحثِ الذي تضمن (34) نصاً مسرحياً ثمّ تَمَّ اختيار عَيِّنةِ البحثِ، بالطريقة القصدية وهي نصَّ مسرحيةِ (K.9)، من تأليف (حسين العراقي)، سنة النشر (2020م)، واعتمدَ الباحثُ المنهجَ الوصفيَّ بطريقة (التحليل) في تحليلِ العينةِ، تَبعا لما تُمليه طبيعةُ البحثِ الحالِي. أما الفصل الرابع: فقد تضمن النتائج والاستنتاجات والتوصيات والمقترحات ثمَّ قائمة المصادر والمراجع والملاحق وقد خَلَصَ الباحثُ في نهايةِ هذا البحثِ إلى ذكرِ أهم النتائجِ التي ترشحتْ من تحليلِ عينةَ البحثِ: جنح النص المسرحي إلى اعتماد لغة مفهومة، بعيدة -في الغالب- عن الصيغ الشعرية والزخارف البلاغية، بالتزام الكاتب بعملية إيصال المضمون الخطير، الذي له الأولوية، للمتلقي. لجأت السلطات المذوِّتة إلى أساليب تذويت عديدة لإخضاع الآخر واستتباعه: كالعنف الجسدي، أو الخطابات المخادعة كما في (K.9).  The authority tends، in every time and everywhere to force the other by hegemony and domination using  numerous different means to enchain and dwarf him- in order to make it easy to guide and control him. The subjectification is one of the most important ways that authorities resort to in order to do that compulsion. Thus، the dramatic texts، as they are the most famous spheres to show the struggle between different forces and contrasted powers، reflected various manners for authorized tendency between the main cultures or by the organizations of the state and even the whole family. This research takes care of the subjectification of the Iraqi dramatic text because it is considered to be one of the principal concepts of post colonialism studies. And for this reason the researcher divided his research into four chapters:  The first chapter is the methodical framework of the research. It includes the research problem which focused on the following question (What is the subjectification in the Iraqi dramatic text ?) and its importance، need and benefit for students and theatrical workers. Besides، the purpose of the research (the definition of the subjectification in the Iraqi dramatic text) and the time limits between (2005 - 2020) and its location in Iraq. As well as، it took care of the topic subject ( studying the subjectification in the Iraqi dramatic text). Finally، limiting the idioms: (subjectification، post colonialism) and the procedure definitions. The second chapter  included the theoretical frame work of  the research. It included three parts. The first part included the conception of the subjectification and the reference books. The second part included the self-personality and objectivity within the postmodernism. The third part included the subjectification in the Iraqi، Arabic and global dramatic text. The third chapter included the procedure of the research which contained (34) Iraqi dramatic texts. As well as، an in tensional sample of the research was taken. It was (k 9) play  written by Hussein AL- Iraqi in (2020). The researcher depended upon systematic description to analyze that sample according to the nature of the present research. The fourth chapter included the results، conclusions، recommendations، suggestions، sources، reference books and appendixes. As result، the researcher reached to these results in analyzing the sample: The dramatic text inclined to depend a legible language mostly away from the poetic forms and the eloquentic decorations، Thus، the author committed himself to let the receiver reach to the prior important content of the dramatic text. The subjective authorities resorted to many manners in order to compel the others to follow them by body violence and false speeches as in (K.9) play

    The Theatrical Performance Space and its Mechanisms in Ali Abdulnabi Al-Zaidi’s Texts

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    يسعى المخرج المسرحي في بحثه الدائم عن نصوص معاصرة تعالج قضايا الواقع إلى اختيار النصوص التي تمنحه القدرة على الخيال وتكوين مشهدي يثير المتفرجين ويجذبهم إلى العرض المسرحي بإيجاد فضاء سينوغرافي يقوم بتشكيله فنان السينوغرافيا الذي يقع على عاتقهُ ترجمة الرؤية الإخراجية للمخرج بواسطة المؤثر البصري والتشكيل الصوري للعرض، وهنا ما ينطبق على نصوص الكاتب العراقي علي عبد النبي الزيدي المسرحية؛ لأنها تترك للمخرج وفنان السينوغرافيا المجال الواسع والحرية الكاملة لتقديم عرض بصري تتوازن فيه التكوينات الدرامية مع التكوينات السينوغرافية، وهنا من أهم ما يميز نصوص الزيدي لأنها ذات حيوية عالية وتحتوي على تشكيلات ادائية تجذب المخرجين والسينوغرافيين على حد سواء. وبذلك جاء البحث في أربعة فصول؛ الأول: احتوى على مشكلة البحث واهميته والحاجة إليه وهدف البحث الذي تلخص في السؤال التالي (ماهي الآلية التي عمل عليها السينوغرافيون في تقديم فضاء العرض المسرحي في نصوص علي عبد النبي الزيدي المسرحية؟) وحدود البحث وتعريف المصطلحات، أما الفصل الثاني فجاء بمبحثين؛ الأول: (مفهوم الفضاء المسرحي (السينوغرافيا)) والثاني: (السينوغرافيا في المسرح العربي) ثم مؤشرات الإطار النظري، والفصل الثالث: وهو فصل الإجراءات وتحليل العينة وهي عرض مسرحية (واقع خرافي) إخراج جواد الأسدي 2012. والفصل الرابع وهو فصل النتائج والاستنتاجات، وبعده مصادر البحث ومراجعه.In his constant search for contemporary texts that address issues of reality, the theatrical director seeks to choose texts that give him the ability to imagine and create a scene that excites the spectators and attracts them to the theatrical show by finding a scenographic space formed by the scenography artist, who is responsible for translating the directory vision through visual effect and image formation for the show. This is applied to the texts of the Iraqi playwright Ali Abdulnabi Al-Zaidi, because it leaves for the director and the scenographer a wide scope and complete freedom to present a visual show in which the dramatic formations are balanced with the scenographic formations. One of the most important features of Al-Zaidi’s texts is that they have high vitality and contain performance formations that attract both directors and Scenographers. Therefore, the research is in four chapters. The first one includes the research problem, its importance and need and the research goal which is summarized  in the following question: What is the mechanism by which the Scenographers have worked to present the space of the theatrical show for Ali Abdulnabi Al-Zaidi's theatrical texts? It also includes the research limits and terms definition. The second chapter contains two topics. The first one is the concept of the theatrical space (Scenography) and the second one is the scenography in Arab theatre. They followed by the indications of theoretical framework. The third chapter tackles the procedures and analysis of sample which is the play (Fabulous Reality) directed by Jawad Al-Asadi (2012(. The fourth chapter includes results, conclusions and reference

    Accessibility and Activity-Centered Design for ICT Users: ACCESIBILITIC Ontology

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are involved in daily human activities. Accessibility guarantees that individuals with different abilities can interact with ICTs. User pro le models are an explicit representation of the characteristics of an individual and are used to reason about what users need. They are implemented through ontologies. After identifying common and different aspects among important ontologies in the domain of accessibility and e-inclusion, we designed and implemented the ACCESIBILITIC ontology applying the NeOn methodology, speci cally by reusing and reengineering these ontologies. The strengths of our model include the user's ability to develop a high variety of activities despite his/her disabilities, support for inference processes, and providing answers to several competency questions. ACCESIBILITIC allows the representation of suitable technical support based on the user's capabilities when interacting with ICTs. To this end, we use an activity-centered design (ACD), which allows us to identify daily activities and to match these activities with a suitable technology to perform them.This research work is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness - Agencia Estatal de Investigación - with European Regional Development Funds (AEI/FEDER, UE) through the project ref. TIN2016-79484-R

    Semiology of the White and Black Colors in the Theatrical Scenery: Some Selected Samples

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    عمدت الكثير من التجارب المسرحية (في مجال تصميم المنظر المسرحي) باستخدام الألوان التشكيلية في عروضها المسرحية تتعدى وظيفتها التقليدية الطبيعية للفعل الدارامي حاملة سمات (اجتماعية، دينية، نفسية، جمالية). احتوى البحث مقدمة البحث متضمنة مشكله البحث التي تحددت بالاستفهام الآتي: كيف يمكن للونين الأسود والأبيض سيموسيولوجياً ان يحدثا جدلاً فنياً وجمالياً في تصميم المنظر المسرحي والحامل لنفس المضامين الاجتماعية والفلسفية، والفكرية، والنفسية، والتعبير عنها عبر الضوء (الضوء والظل). أما هدف البحث فهو التعرف على سوسيولوجيا اللون الأبيض والأسود في المنظر المسرحي. وتضمن البحث حدود البحث التي تحددت زمانيا (2010 -2019)، ومكانيا العراق/ بغداد وبابل، وموضوعيا دراسة اللونين الأبيض والأسود سيموسيولوجياً. اشتمل الإطار النظري والمؤشرات التي أسفر عنها والدراسات السابقة، على مبحثين عني المبحث الأول بدراسة تشكيلات اللون الأبيض والأسود في المنظر المسرحي، أما المبحث الثاني فعني في الاختزال والتبسيط السيموسيولوجي للون الأبيض والأسود في المنظر المسرحي. أما الإطار الإجرائي الذي ضم مجتمع البحث من ثلاثة عروض مسرحية نماذج مختارة، التي تتنوع فيها سيموسيولوجيا اللون الأبيض والأسود بالاختزال والتبسيط في شكل اللون المرئي. وتضمن الفصل عينة البحث المتكونة من ثلاثة عروض مسرحية بهدف التعرف على سيموسيولوجيا اللون في المنظر المسرحي. وتضمن البحث نتائج توصلت اليها الباحثة بالتعرف على سيموسيولوجيا الألوان بتمثلاتها المختزلة والمبسطة التي تستخدم تقنية اللون المتنوعة في صناعة عروضها المسرحية

    Xevinapant plus radiotherapy in resected, high-risk, cisplatin-ineligible LA SCCHN:the phase III XRay Vision study design

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    There is a significant unmet need and lack of treatment options for patients with resected, high-risk, cisplatin-ineligible locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (LA SCCHN). Xevinapant, a first-in-class, potent, oral, small-molecule IAP inhibitor, is thought to restore cancer cell sensitivity to chemotherapy and radiotherapy in clinical and preclinical studies. We describe the design of XRay Vision (NCT05386550), an international, randomized, double-blind, phase III study. Approximately 700 patients with resected, high-risk, cisplatin-ineligible LA SCCHN will be randomized 1:1 to receive 6 cycles of xevinapant or placebo, in combination with radiotherapy for the first 3 cycles. The primary end point is disease-free survival, and secondary end points include overall survival, health-related quality of life, and safety.</p

    Neurocysticercosis in non-endemic regions: The experience of Qatar

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    ObjectiveTo describe the occurrence and features of Neurocystircercosis (NCC) in Qatar.BackgroundQatar has a mixed population of natives and expats. NCC is not endemic to the region, but clinical practice suggests its occurrence in large numbers.Design/ methodsA database was created to summarize information retrospectively collected on patients with NCC seen through the national health system (HMC) between 2013 and 2018. We identified demographic and disease related variables (clinical manifestations, investigative findings, treatment and outcome) for all patients.ResultsOut of 420 identified NCC patients, 393 (93.6%) were men, and 98.3% were immigrants from NCC endemic countries such as Nepal (63.8%) and India (29.5%). Eighty percent of patients presented with seizures, with the majority (69%) experiencing generalized tonic–clonic seizures. Five percent presented with status epilepticus. Headaches, the second most common complaint, were reported in 18% of subjects. On imaging, 50% had a single lesion while 63% included pathology at the calcified stage. The lesions were parenchymal in 99.5% of cases, predominantly in the frontal lobe (59%). Thirteen percent were diagnosed incidentally on imaging, mainly in the form of isolated calcified non enhancing lesions. Albendazole was received by 55% of patients, and phenytoin was the most prescribed anti-seizure drug (57%). When long term follow up was available, 70% of the patients presenting with seizures were completely seizure free.ConclusionNCC is prevalent in Qatar, mainly within the large Southeast Asian immigrant population. NCC is currently a significant contributor to the epilepsy burden in Qatar, often with a good outcome regarding seizure control. NCC with intraparenchymal single lesion shares a large proportion of our cohort